QCLNG Upstream Projects Read More
Worsley Efficiency and Growth Read More
No.5 Blast Furnace Reline Read More
About Us

About Us

For over 20 years TWE has been operating in the engineering fabrication and installation for the industrial and commercial markets. During this time, we have developed considerable expertise and reputation for providing an honest and long-lasting service that has rewarded us with a wealth of satisfied clients.  

TWE’s team of professional managers work closely with the director to continue a world class service that continues to impress our clientele.

With over 100 employees and 200 subcontractors at our disposal, working at more than 10 locations at any given time, we are a significant employer that is always looking to employee new talent from any walk of life, cultivating talent as it walks in through our doors.

At present we provide our clients with engineering and capital works, facilities management services, Operations and Maintenance, and an assortment of Specialised A-Class Welders.

At TWE, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service to our clients while upholding our commitment to reducing emissions and supporting our local communities. 

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The day-to-day operations of TWE are overseen by our Managing Director and the executive team. They play a crucial role in setting the tone from the top by exemplifying behaviours that are consistent with TWE’s values.

The health, safety and welfare of all workers and visitors are of equal importance to TWE’s operational considerations. Our team’s primary focus is on implementing activities that address risks associated with our operations and is dedicated to continuously improving TWE’s methods for identifying and managing risks.

TWE’s Director, executive staff and personnel strive to maintain a safe workplace for all stakeholders, whilst complying with the Work Health & Safety Act and Regulations as well as the AS/NZS 4801:2001 Safety Standard. 

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Latest News

Visy Paper Mill Power boiler panels replacement

Visy Paper Mill Power boiler panels replacement

Wed, 19th August 2015

Another project completed successfully.

Frame agreement with Alstom

Frame agreement with Alstom

Fri, 24th April 2015

TWE signed a Frame Agreement with Alstom for supplying professional services nationwide.

Greenfields Agreement

Greenfields Agreement

Tue, 22nd January 2013

Approved for registering a Greenfields Agreement for QCLNG Project Upstream Work.

Latest Projects

Replacement of Primary Super Heater for Power Boiler - Visy Pulp and Paper Tumut

Replacement of Primary Super Heater for Power Boiler - Visy Pulp and Paper Tumut



Vales Point Unit 6 Major Overhaul

Vales Point Unit 6 Major Overhaul

Wheatstone Project LNG Plant

Wheatstone Project LNG Plant

QCLNG Upstream Projects

QCLNG Upstream Projects

Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal (WICET)

Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal (WICET)